How much can you save on Clean-in-Place costs with real-time TOC measurement?

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Water Production and Cost per Meter Cubed
Directly enter your UPW cost per Cubic Meter for production and discharge:
Or click 'More Info' to use our itemized cost calculation.
1. Municipal costs associated with UPW production:
a. Cost of Municipal water per m3
b. Volume of Municipal water purchased per year (m3)
c. Volume of High purity water produced per year (m3)
Cost of municipal water per cubic Meter of UPW produced
2. Cost to discharge water
a. Cost to discharge water ($/m3)
b. Volume of High purity water discharged per year (m3)
Cost of water discharge per cubic Meter of UPW produced
3. Annual utility costs to operate water system (electricity, steam, cooling water, natural gas, etc.)
Utility cost per cubic meter of UPW produced
4. Annual water system operating expenses
a. Chemical usage (chlorine, metabisulfite, etc.)
b. Consumables (replacement filters, RO membranes, EDI modules)
c. Maintenance and calibration costs
Total maintenance and operation costs per cubic meter UPW produced
5. Annual Direct Labor Costs Water System operation and maintenance
Total direct labor cost per cubic meter UPW produced
6. Water System Amortization Costs
a. Total cost of water system
b. Years of amortization
Water system cost per cubic meter UPW produced
Total cost to produce one cubic meter of water:
Lab Analysis Cost per Test
Directly enter your cost for a single lab sample:
Or click 'More Info' to use our itemized cost calculation.
1. Lab analyst Labor cost per hour ($/hr)
2. Total lab analyst direct labor hours to perform one sample analysis
3. Annual costs of laboratory supplies needed to conduct off-line lab analysis for CIP final rinse verification
4. Number of tests per year for CIP Final rinse
Cost per single sample analysis
Cost of Production System Down-time
1. Total value of a complete production batch
2. Duration of a complete production batch in hours
3. Time in hours from completion of final rinse until receipt of sample results
Cost per hour of system down-time
Total cost of system down-time waiting for lab results:
CIP Rinse Water Cost per Rinse Cycle
1. Volume of Water used during rinse cycle in cubic meters
2. Duration of rinse cycle in minutes
Flushing Rate during CIP Rinse Cycle (unit volume per minute) (m3/min)
Cost per minute of rinse including system down-time:
Total cost of water usage during a single rinse cycle:
Cost Comparison for on-line vs. at line monitoring per CIP Cycle
Duration of average CIP Rinse Cycle in minutes:
Number CIP procedures performed per year
Savings in the first year:
Cost of TOC Instrumentation