Cost Savings Calculator
For Formulation Solutions

Learn on how METTLER TOLEDO Formulation solutions help you save cost:
Local currency
Calculate your possible savings:
Number of batches per year
Labour cost per hour
Cost of raw materials per batch
Average time for manual batch preparation per batch

Failed batches, which must be disposed:
Number per year
Average disposal cost per batch

Failed batches which can be reworked:
Number per year
Average time to rework per batch

Increased efficiency:
Based on experience a formulation system reduces the required time for batch preparation from 10% up to 40%. An average of 20% time savings is used by default you may adjust the value.

Cost of METTLER TOLEDO Formulation System
(for your Return on Investment Calculation):
Cost for failed batches per year:
Cost from lost labor
Cost from lost raw materials
Cost for disposal
Total cost for failed batches to be disposed

Cost for batch rework:
Total time for batch rework per year
Total cost for batch rework per year

Batch preparation time saving:
Total time for manual batch preparation per year
Time savings per year
Cost savings for batch preparation per year

Total possible cost savings formulation per year:
Your investment is paid back in